Healthcare reform is now the ticket of the November presidential elections. While US progressives can agree on universal health insurance, they vehemently disagree on its rhetoric. Why do they invalidate their own desires? Here’s how… [Read more]

Healthcare reform is now the ticket of the November presidential elections. While US progressives can agree on universal health insurance, they vehemently disagree on its rhetoric. Why do they invalidate their own desires? Here’s how… [Read more]
American sanctions on Iran have not weakened the regime but achieved the opposite. They have harmed ordinary people and cemented the conservative Revolutionary Guards’ grip on power. The U.S. would be well advised to pursue… [Read more]
In his new book, SPIEGEL correspondent Hasnain Kazim responds to writers of hate mail from the entire spectrum of German society. In his interview with MIA Student Jens Anderer, he provides important insights into the origins… [Read more]
What was steeped in promise ended in disappointment, not only for Erdogan but Merkel as well. Willy Winkler reports on the recent visit of the Turkish head of state to the German Capital, highlighting the… [Read more]
Opponents of Germany’s looming grand coalition swear that the only remedy to the Social Democrats’ troubles is a four year stint in the opposition – a much needed time-out to reinvent the party. MPP student… [Read more]
Belgium spent 589 days without an elected government following the 2010 election, paying a dear price in terms of public approval and international credibility. Now that Germany is facing a coalition crisis, it must not… [Read more]
As the world commemorates the International Migrants day, MPP student Camilla Lovrek weighs upon the challenges and potentials of the Global Compact on Migration, and the role of the European Union. For the past years, the EU… [Read more]
Most European countries are already creating a framework for new space technologies and business models, according to Marc Becker. Germany, however, is late to the game. Germany’s 2017 parliamentary elections and last year’s U.S. presidential contest… [Read more]
With a clear conservative, right-leaning majority in the German parliament, the Federal Constitutional Court’s decision on the right to choose a third gender comes as a surprising, ground-breaking step for the country. MIA Student Vanessa… [Read more]
Germany’s new Network Enforcement Act has been described by the UN Commission on Human Rights as a law that raises grave concern on freedom of expression and online privacy. MPP Student Subhodeep Jash weighs upon the harsh overreach of… [Read more]