In the early hours of November 6, 2024, Donald J. Trump claimed victory after his win in Pennsylvania sealed his return to the White House. Although technology was not a central theme of the campaign,… [Read more]

In the early hours of November 6, 2024, Donald J. Trump claimed victory after his win in Pennsylvania sealed his return to the White House. Although technology was not a central theme of the campaign,… [Read more]
Vergangenheitsbewältigung refers to the struggle to overcome one’s dark past. The Hertie School has recently been criticized by students and the media for its lack of action on accounting for its historical ties to the Nazi regime. Fabian Zubicky argues that… [Read more]
Image: Based on photographs of Autumn Peltier addressing the United Nations. She is a Canadian water activist, who comes from Wikwemikong First Nation/Manitoulin Island and is from Ojibway/Odawa heritage. The Governance Post believes that cultural… [Read more]
Dear Hertie Administration, In the 2019/20 academic year, several students requested course content cognisant of the policy approaches from Asia and Latin America — continents where Hertie draws more than 30% of its students from.… [Read more]
Covid-19 has indiscriminately shed light on the most vulnerable, undervalued, and underpaid of our society: migrant women working in the care sector. A new regime of inequality is observed at home, one between women –… [Read more]
This is the second part of a three-part series about India’s Citizenship Amendment Act. In this article, we talk about the rise of student protests in response to the Act. More than ninety days have… [Read more]
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) dies down in Wuhan and gains tide outside of China, discussions on what the Chinese government (CCP) has done right to curb the spread on its territory have grown. As a… [Read more]
Fabian Masarwa (MPP 2020) und Moritz Czygan (MPP 2020) talk about election campaigning and the primary season in the United States. So far, not so interesting. What’s new and interesting: They record and upload their… [Read more]
It isn’t merely a Hindu versus Muslim issue. It’s a Hindutva (Hindutva ≠ Hinduism) versus Secular India issue. A battle raging in the world’s largest democracy. This piece is not part of the existing Indian Citizenship Amendment… [Read more]