This year’s 20th presidential election in South Korea was the closest in its history. It was also the first time that surveys were conducted by differentiating the vote of women and men according to their… [Read more]
Tag: discrimination
Litigation, Policymaking, and the Power Analysis: Interview with Hertie School Centre of Fundamental Rights Fellow Betsy Apple
Betsy Apple is the inaugural visiting fellow at the Hertie School Centre for Fundamental Rights this Fall 2019. She is the Advocacy Director and Head of the Rule of Law Division of the Open Society Justice… [Read more]
Is Intersectionality the Future of Policymaking?
Having more than one aspect to your identity, means that you can be discriminated in more than one way at the same time. That’s what Intersectional theory seeks to tackle. At the recent Cracking the… [Read more]
“Cracking the Ceiling”: Gender and Labour Conference 2017
On Saturday, 1 April 2017, the Gender Equality and Sexuality (GES) Club at the Hertie School of Governance will hold “Cracking the Ceiling”, their 2017 Gender and Labour Conference. Through speeches, panel discussions and interactive… [Read more]
Neutral, or Just Not Fair? The CJEU’s Ruling on the Headscarf Cases
On 14 March 2017, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that private sector employers may be justified in banning employees from wearing religious, philosophical or political symbols, including headscarves, at work. Executive… [Read more]