Image: Based on photographs of Autumn Peltier addressing the United Nations. She is a Canadian water activist, who comes from Wikwemikong First Nation/Manitoulin Island and is from Ojibway/Odawa heritage. The Governance Post believes that cultural… [Read more]
Tag: Canada
The 43rd Canadian Federal Election: Playing Cards with Regionalism and Unilateralism
Last month, incumbent Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party secured another term after winning one of the most unpredictable elections in Canadian history. Despite the victory, Trudeau’s party was reduced to a minority… [Read more]
Turning the Tide: The Role of Indigenous Stewardship in Natural Resource Management and Addressing Climate Change
Indigenous communities around the world are living on the frontlines of the climate crisis. As the changing climate threatens the wellbeing of their communities, Indigenous activists are calling for the renewal of nation-to-nation relations and… [Read more]
Ice and Fury: Inside the Canada-US trade war
While most fear the rift cleaving the Western world, the US’ self-alienation, let it be political, economic or ideological, should only come to build a better and stronger unity amongst other allied nations. MIA Student… [Read more]
God’s Gift to ‘Peoplekind’
When Canada lost its bid for the Security Council seat in 2010, it was the international community’s way of saying “This isn’t the Canada we’ve grown to love”. Then Canada elected Justin Trudeau, and thought… [Read more]
A Love Story along the Rio Grande
Carlos Ahumada Comments: Resentment and pride have disastrous consequences in any relationship. Will the upcoming leaders in the North American region be able to leave them behind? In December 1994, after many years of dating,… [Read more]