Despite its early formulation in 2001, in the aftermath of the Yugoslav conflict, and the several cases in which Member States have been prompted to apply it, the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) was never activated.… [Read more]
Tag: refugees
Minding the Gap: Protecting NGO Workers and Volunteers on Lesbos
This piece is part of a novel collaboration between The Governance Post and The Paris Globalist, the international affairs magazine by students at Sciences Po in Paris, France. “When violence against NGOs broke out in… [Read more]
The Undeclared Crisis: Latin America’s weak response to the overflow of Venezuelan migrants
For years Latin American countries have kept silent regarding the failure of the Bolivarian regime in Venezuela due to economic and political interests. Now, that Venezuelans are fleeing from starvation and violence, Countries who were… [Read more]
Europe’s Next Frontier: Integration, Refugees and Solidarity
What does an ‘Ever Closer Union’ mean? MIA Student Sasha Ockenden takes a look at the idea of European integration, the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean, and the narratives that allow German populists to construct an ‘immigrant invasion’ in places… [Read more]
Kitchen on the Run- Feeding Hope
Founded in 2015 by Hertie alumni Rabea Haß and her friend Jule Schröder, Kitchen on the Run organises cooking events for refugees and locals in a mobile shipping container. Rabea Haß on cooking, cultural exchange… [Read more]
Strangers in a Strange Land: The Experience of Female Refugees in Germany
As the integration of refugees in Germany becomes an an increasingly pressing issue, MPP student and Governance Post editor Vaishali Venkatesh Prasad takes a deeper look at the hardships faced by women in refugee centres.… [Read more]
Kiron Open Higher Education: Between Politics and Social Entrepreneurship
Founded in 2014, Kiron Open Higher Education assists refugees with free and fast access to higher education. Founders Markus Kressler and Vincent Zimmer on navigating the realm between politics and social entrepreneurship and how start-ups… [Read more]
Europe’s Latest Solution to the Migrant Crisis Isn’t Good Enough
Last week’s controversial EU-Turkey migrant summit resolved to send back all migrants arriving in Greece from Turkey without documents. Is this a humanitarian solution? Over 1,012,100 migrants set sail for Europe from Turkey last year. Most… [Read more]
Kiron Education – Discovery of the Year 2015
It is by no means a revolutionary idea that education is the key to integration and independence – yet so many refugees struggle to gain access to it. Asking young people who have recently left… [Read more]