How tax policy could incentivise social volunteering without crowding out altruism It’s morning and she fades awake. She gazes blearily through the gloom at her bedroom, a thin film of dust in the spots she… [Read more]
Tag: policy
Litigation, Policymaking, and the Power Analysis: Interview with Hertie School Centre of Fundamental Rights Fellow Betsy Apple
Betsy Apple is the inaugural visiting fellow at the Hertie School Centre for Fundamental Rights this Fall 2019. She is the Advocacy Director and Head of the Rule of Law Division of the Open Society Justice… [Read more]
Tehran Taxi: Iranian hope and desperation in the light of U.S. Sanctions
American sanctions on Iran have not weakened the regime but achieved the opposite. They have harmed ordinary people and cemented the conservative Revolutionary Guards’ grip on power. The U.S. would be well advised to pursue… [Read more]
Which Came First – The Latrine or Behaviour Change?
UNICEF estimates that India contributes 60 percent to the total population of individuals who practice open defecation which has grave consequences for water source contamination. MPP student Gaurav Ganti examines how a behaviour change is… [Read more]
Behavioural Insights – the Road to ‘Better’ Policies?
Michael Hallsworth recently visited the Hertie School to talk about the work of the Behavioural Insights Team in London – one of the few organizations worldwide that apply behavioural science research to policy-making. One of… [Read more]