Where is Moldova’s place on the geo-political map of the world? Is it the EU’s “close partner” or Moscow’s puppet? For years, Moldova has balanced European ambitions and rapprochement with Moscow. The election of the… [Read more]
Tag: Politics
Establishing a Public Policy School in Germany during the Post-Crisis Era: Interview with Hertie School President Dr. Henrik Enderlein
Henrik Enderlein is the President and Professor of Political Economy at the Hertie School. In 2014, Enderlein founded the Jacques Delors Institut in Berlin, a think tank on European Affairs which has now turned into… [Read more]
The Sweden Democrats’ vision for the future – the return to an imagined past
Populism is on the rise. In Sweden, the right-wing populist party the Sweden Democrats (SD) has grown from a relatively small and unknown political party to the country’s third largest in only 10 years. In… [Read more]
‘Populists are united in their common belief in simple solutions’
In his new book, SPIEGEL correspondent Hasnain Kazim responds to writers of hate mail from the entire spectrum of German society. In his interview with MIA Student Jens Anderer, he provides important insights into the origins… [Read more]
The case of Hans-Georg Maaßen – a success story for four, but a failure in public relations
Within the last two weeks, the German political debate has heated up. Due to a personal and political misstep by the head of an intelligence agency, the Grand Coalition between CDU, CSU and SPD was… [Read more]
Rethinking Climate (In)action in America
With media outlets focused on President Donald Trump’s questioning of mainstream climate science, you’d be forgiven for not knowing that sub-national action on climate change in the United States is actually growing – and at… [Read more]
Doing is Better Than Just Talking: What Critics of Germany’s Grand Coalition Don’t See
Opponents of Germany’s looming grand coalition swear that the only remedy to the Social Democrats’ troubles is a four year stint in the opposition – a much needed time-out to reinvent the party. MPP student… [Read more]
Vox Europe: A response to the return of divisive politics?
As a response to the return of divisive and nationalist politics across Europe, dual degree student Damian Boeselager decided to co-found the young, pro-European party Vox Europe. In this interview, The Governance Post’s Editor Donata… [Read more]
Populism: Why Does Its Definition Matter?
In 1967, U.S. historian Richard Hofstadter gave a talk entitled “Everyone Is Talking about Populism, but No One Can Define It”. Last Thursday’s panel discussion at the Hertie School of Governance on “Lessons from an… [Read more]
German Elections 2017, Hertie Instructors Predict The Outcome
Mark Kayser, Professor of Applied Methods and Comparative Politics of the Hertie School of Governance, and Simon Munzert, Lecturer in Political Data Science of the Hertie School of Governance, have constructed forecasting models to predict… [Read more]