Betsy Apple is the inaugural visiting fellow at the Hertie School Centre for Fundamental Rights this Fall 2019. She is the Advocacy Director and Head of the Rule of Law Division of the Open Society Justice… [Read more]

Betsy Apple is the inaugural visiting fellow at the Hertie School Centre for Fundamental Rights this Fall 2019. She is the Advocacy Director and Head of the Rule of Law Division of the Open Society Justice… [Read more]
Opponents of Germany’s looming grand coalition swear that the only remedy to the Social Democrats’ troubles is a four year stint in the opposition – a much needed time-out to reinvent the party. MPP student… [Read more]
Germany’s Social Democrats find themselves again in a reoccurring nightmare – the grand coalition. This will be the party’s demise and will endanger Germany’s democratic landscape, warns MPP student and SPD member Tim Stadtaus. “Then… [Read more]