Recommendations for the Hertie School in Berlin With one of the fastest-growing and mobile student populations in the world, students from the African continent are likely to be the international students of the future. To… [Read more]

Recommendations for the Hertie School in Berlin With one of the fastest-growing and mobile student populations in the world, students from the African continent are likely to be the international students of the future. To… [Read more]
Vergangenheitsbewältigung refers to the struggle to overcome one’s dark past. The Hertie School has recently been criticized by students and the media for its lack of action on accounting for its historical ties to the Nazi regime. Fabian Zubicky argues that… [Read more]
Dear Hertie Administration, In the 2019/20 academic year, several students requested course content cognisant of the policy approaches from Asia and Latin America — continents where Hertie draws more than 30% of its students from.… [Read more]
On March 23rd, the first edition of The Governance Post Event Series took place. Closing the Gap of Climate Finance event was part of a series of student-led public event initiatives at the Hertie School. Racien Nowak and Jose… [Read more]
While exploring the past of the Hertie School’s building at Friedrichstraße 180, first-year MIA student Hannah Hückstädt explains why it is the ideal place for studying public policy and international affairs. When I went to… [Read more]
In 1967, U.S. historian Richard Hofstadter gave a talk entitled “Everyone Is Talking about Populism, but No One Can Define It”. Last Thursday’s panel discussion at the Hertie School of Governance on “Lessons from an… [Read more]
Mark Kayser, Professor of Applied Methods and Comparative Politics of the Hertie School of Governance, and Simon Munzert, Lecturer in Political Data Science of the Hertie School of Governance, have constructed forecasting models to predict… [Read more]
The rise of populism is a challenge for open societies but an opportunity for public policy schools. Our authors propose six ways in which public policy schools can respond to this challenge. Gone are the… [Read more]
“Gabriel, Macron, Habermas – Which Future for Europe?” was a historic event for the Hertie School community. Besides drawing media attention, it articulated a vision of European unity and helped define the political identity of… [Read more]
The Governance Post sat down with Hertie School of Governance students to weigh in on the results of the US election. Editor’s note: What we witnessed last night with the American election was not just… [Read more]