California and Washington, D.C., are on a collision course, and neither seems likely to pull the emergency brake. The two are locked in a bitter clash over fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission standards… [Read more]

California and Washington, D.C., are on a collision course, and neither seems likely to pull the emergency brake. The two are locked in a bitter clash over fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission standards… [Read more]
Opponents of Germany’s looming grand coalition swear that the only remedy to the Social Democrats’ troubles is a four year stint in the opposition – a much needed time-out to reinvent the party. MPP student… [Read more]
Germany’s Social Democrats find themselves again in a reoccurring nightmare – the grand coalition. This will be the party’s demise and will endanger Germany’s democratic landscape, warns MPP student and SPD member Tim Stadtaus. “Then… [Read more]