Following up from last year’s UNFCCC COP 23 meeting in Bonn, MPP Student Rodrigo Jiménez Silva provides an update and overview on all the latest happenings in the world of climate action It should not… [Read more]

Following up from last year’s UNFCCC COP 23 meeting in Bonn, MPP Student Rodrigo Jiménez Silva provides an update and overview on all the latest happenings in the world of climate action It should not… [Read more]
With the French presidential election coming to a close this Sunday, our editors Joseph and Nathan sat down with DeFacto hosts Julian Lang and Ricardo Salas to discuss the result of the first round, uncertainties… [Read more]
As the outcome of the first round in this year’s French presidential election will be known this Sunday, MPP student Pierre Daix-Moreux presents his own statistical forecast, with an important focus on one of the… [Read more]
“Gabriel, Macron, Habermas – Which Future for Europe?” was a historic event for the Hertie School community. Besides drawing media attention, it articulated a vision of European unity and helped define the political identity of… [Read more]