We are asking of our planet more than it can possibly bear. Around the world, people are demanding change, and countries are committing to ever more concerted climate action. Against this backdrop, calls to create… [Read more]
Tag: Environment
Can Circular Economy Solve the Pollution Problem in India’s Cities?
India’s economic growth, coupled with its urbanisation and swelling population is putting severe pressure on cities’ limited resources. With some of the most polluted cities in the world and increased waste management issues, India needs to adopt circular economy initiatives. Sadly, circularity… [Read more]
One tariff to rule them all
The European Union wants to put a tariff on the CO2 content of imports. Can it protect both European industry and the global environment? Steel manufacturers are a resilient species. They are used to working… [Read more]
Litigation, Policymaking, and the Power Analysis: Interview with Hertie School Centre of Fundamental Rights Fellow Betsy Apple
Betsy Apple is the inaugural visiting fellow at the Hertie School Centre for Fundamental Rights this Fall 2019. She is the Advocacy Director and Head of the Rule of Law Division of the Open Society Justice… [Read more]
An Epoch to Remember: Humanity’s greatest legacy may be how quickly we’re killing off other species.
Nick Lloyd-Kuzik explores the alarming loss of biodiversity in ecosystems around the world and reflects his interview with Pulitzer Prize winner Elizabeth Kolbert following her visit to the Hertie School of Governance. Dr. Selena Ward… [Read more]
Which Came First – The Latrine or Behaviour Change?
UNICEF estimates that India contributes 60 percent to the total population of individuals who practice open defecation which has grave consequences for water source contamination. MPP student Gaurav Ganti examines how a behaviour change is… [Read more]
California vs. Washington, D.C.: Pick Your Side On American Fuel Efficiency & Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG)
California and Washington, D.C., are on a collision course, and neither seems likely to pull the emergency brake. The two are locked in a bitter clash over fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission standards… [Read more]
Deforestation Is The Highest in Over 15 Years – Industry Actors Must Commit To Its Mitigation
Professional Year student Luke Sherman discusses the increasing importance of deforestation mitigation and actor responsibilities as a vital area, necessary to stop the climate from reaching its next tipping points. It is difficult to determine an… [Read more]
The Challenges of Financing the Costs of Climate Change
Nina Hall, a post-doctoral fellow at Hertie School of Governance offers insight into the financial changes felt at the COP 21. As the world has met in Paris to discuss a more inclusive and accountable… [Read more]