Executive Editor Mahima Shah Verma is a candidate of the Masters of International Affairs. She has a B.A. in History from the University of Southern California, specialising in oral history and photojournalism of mass violence and… [Read more]

Executive Editor Mahima Shah Verma is a candidate of the Masters of International Affairs. She has a B.A. in History from the University of Southern California, specialising in oral history and photojournalism of mass violence and… [Read more]
Healthcare reform is now the ticket of the November presidential elections. While US progressives can agree on universal health insurance, they vehemently disagree on its rhetoric. Why do they invalidate their own desires? Here’s how… [Read more]
One should not react to a mosquito bite by scratching the wound. In the fight for malaria eradication, world renowned-economist Jeffrey Sachs advocates for technocratic solutions. This investigative piece evaluates the specific barriers and policy… [Read more]
Dear Readership, Firstly, I wish to thank my outgoing co-editor, Toby Bernstein, for the inspiration and support he has given me and others during this semester. Moving forward, as Editor-in-Chief, I start the new decade… [Read more]
The World Health Summit is an annual global health policy conference that was held this year in Berlin on October 27-29. Addressing a global theme of “The Impact of Climate Change on Health”, the Summit… [Read more]
Betsy Apple is the inaugural visiting fellow at the Hertie School Centre for Fundamental Rights this Fall 2019. She is the Advocacy Director and Head of the Rule of Law Division of the Open Society Justice… [Read more]
Henrik Enderlein is the President and Professor of Political Economy at the Hertie School. In 2014, Enderlein founded the Jacques Delors Institut in Berlin, a think tank on European Affairs which has now turned into… [Read more]
From 2015 to 2018, Ms. Marvi Memon served as the chairperson of the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), Pakistan’s largest social safety net established in 2008 under the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) government. As a… [Read more]